Secret World Legends: Dawn of the Morninglight Collector’s Edition
You, agent, are in a world of tigers. They will eat you alive if you are weak, if you hesitate, if you do not strike first. The Operative Bundle is the edge you need to strike first and strike hard.
Operative bundle includes:
Steam hoodie, red and white
Exclusive Title: “Operative”
20 Ability Points
20 Skill Points
10,000 Anima Shards
To claim Secret World Legends DLC:
- After purchasing the DLC on your Steam Account log into Secret World Legends on Steam.
- Log into the character you wish to claim the DLC bundle on.
- Make sure your character has advanced in the story line to Agartha.
- Click on the Menu button in the top left part of the screen.
- Select Delivered Items from the drop down menu.
- Click the Claim Steam DLC button.
- Your items will appear in the window, press get or get all to retrieve them on your character.
- Please note the DLC can only be claimed once on one character!
Windows 10 64 bit is highly-recommended
Intel Core i5 3.0Ghz or equivalent
2.6 GHZ Intel Core 2 DUO or equivalent AMD CPU
At least 2GB RAM for Windows XP / 3GB Ram for Windows Vista and Windows 7
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